Wednesday, December 7, 2011

super blog

So this whole blogging thing was some what harder than I first had thought this school semster. I thought that it would be easy to remember and do but truthfully its not. I could not seem to remember when they were due or what the topic was about. I would always forget to about a blog being due and sometime even what I was suppose to write about. I think that maybe if you were to make a facebook page and and use a thread on moodle will help.

The reason I think you should make a facebook page is because most of us go on facebook everyday. So we will be more likely to check it first before looking on our blogs. If we too also used facebook and have a page it will make it easier for us to ask each other question about what to do and what is going on. Going on facebook is pretty much a daily thing for us to do. So if we are on our phones or in a computer room we will normally check it without thinking. So if class had a facebook page we can always go on there easily. Just like my clubs that I'm apart on campus I'm on the club page so everytime someone types or if they update it I always get an notifaction telling that someone wrote on it. So then I check it out and I know whats going on. You could also do invitions to blogs that are due and mail them to everyone on the facebook page. But this is just one way to fix the blogging problem.

Another thing is maybe also have a thread on moodle that we can check too. Because now that most of us check our moodle account more often we will be able to see and notice things more. You could maybe have one tab just for blogging like have all our topics and due dates on each topics. Maybe even give so ideals on how we should comment on each others blogs and how it should look or what we should really try to be saying in each topic to help our classmates. We could also try to use google plus. It, in my opion, is alot easier to use. It makes going though the whole uploading and comment alot easier than this. You don't have to get a different internet site or anything else.

Maybe use less question for each topic but make it like a one whole topic to talk about. Like the topics we had for the pratices. Those were easier to write about without having you there for help. They made me think and they were easy to write about. Maybe even if it is in the book lets us go over the story in class then start writing about it on the blogs. Like on the final eassay when we got to write in class and have our classmates help us. It made writing the finally essay a whole lot easier for me. It was also be easier if each topic was all connect to each other. Just like in my design classes each project was connect to one another. So it makes it easier to connect each topic to one another. It'll make it a lot easier for us to be able to think of more things to write about.

In the end the blogging will be easier for others if we were to make a facebook page for it becuase we pretty much go on there anyways. Its easy to use facebook because we check our facebook more offend than we do the blog site. Also if you make a tab just for all the blog topics on moodle where we could find them could make it alot easier too. And with the facebook page it'll make it easier for us to talk to others in our classes to help with the topics or have a group chat on there so everyone can ask and have their question answered. Maybe even try a different site than blogger to do the online stuff. Like google plus or tumbler. Something that will make it a little bit easier for people to use.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

week 11

1) A person has Baccalaureate degree, but they weren't content with their field of study, so they only half heartedly worked toward their degree. Also, they cheated on the final exam that they took right before getting the degree. Can they still be considered intelligent?=I don't believe that they would be considered intelligent because why get a baccalaureate in a field you weren't truly happy with. in many ways thats just being stupid. You should go and get a job or baccalaureate that makes you happy and you can put 100% in.
2) Bill Gates was a college drop out. Do we consider him intelligent? Why or why not? How might this affect your criteria for your definition of intelligence?-yes we do consider him intelligent because was able to make more money than most people that did went to college. he was able to create a computer system that everyone uses everyday.
3) A man with a BA goes into politics and proposes going to war with another country. He knows the war will drag out, and he knows many people will be killed during the duration of it. Was this an intelligent decision? Are people we admit are intelligent allowed to make unintelligent decisions from time to time? Why or why not? How might this affect your criteria for your definition of intelligence?- In a way he isn't being very intelligent at all. why go to war with a country if we have no reason too. Now are these people allowed to make unintelligent decision is ok from time to time but not all the time because if they do then how can we trust that they'll make the best choices for this country. yes this can effect my definition.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday November 7, 2011 Online Class Assignment

1. After reviewing the information about the drafting introduction on page 3, review your own intro and decide what you can do to:
a. more clearly show what is at stake for your issue:
-what is at stake is weather or not I can truthfully argue the point of not needing to have a degree to be smart.
-can I give good explains of showing you don’t need a degree
-be able to agrue the other side as well
b. more thoroughly contextualize your issue with background information (this is helpful for both intro and conclusion) :
-think of some good explains
c. write a few sentences for a. and b. that you will insert into your next draft.:
- In this world most people think having a degree is what makes you smart, when really even people with degrees can make stupid decicion.

2. Review your topic sentences of your body paragraphs:
a. Whether you are doing org. plan 1 or 2, your topic sentences should contain the criteria that you are discussing in the paragraph. (Review bottom of page 4 and all of page 5). :
-in the first part I want to talk about my views on being intelligent and how a degree isn’t really what should determane if someone is intelligent.
b. If you have any main topic sentences (do at least two here) that don’t contain the criteria of your definition that you are about to discuss in your paragraph, paste the old sentence, then write the revision of it that you will change in your next draft, like this:
i. OLD SENTENCE: What to say that a baccalaureate is the only thing to show someone is intelligent?
ii. NEW SENTENCE What to say that a baccalaureate is the only thing to show someone is intelligent? Because there are tons of people in the world who have made a lot in their world without it.
3. Now, go through your body paragraphs and make sure that in the evidence sections of them, you are “developing” the criterion you are discussing, which means: explaining/defining each criterion for your definition. By the end of your paper, we should be able to tell a) your definitions, b) the criteria for those definitions, and c) the definitions of those criteria. (Look at page 5, description of BP1).
a. Find your shortest body paragraph. This is a quick way to determine which one needs more development. : my first paragraph

b. Paste it in.: What is to say that a baccalaureate is the only thing to show someone is intelligent? If that was true then people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs must be stupid. Theses two didn't get their baccalaureate yet they make more money than most people who do have their baccalaureate. In the fashion world you just have to be creative and know how to start trends or how to make them even better than they already are. They did not have to go to school to learn how to design great clothes or other things. All they need was there own mind and I great sense of designing. They did have to learn how to sew and how to make colors look good together. Or even how to sell and show off the clothes that they have design. Even people who want to do other careers, with in reason, can do it to. Now there are a lot of people who do have their baccalaureate and they can be really stupid. They sometime make descion based on the book when sometimes they should use common sense..

c. Then paste in a revision of it that contains more details and explanations of the criterion under discussion.:

- What is to say that a baccalaureate is the only thing to show someone is intelligent? If that was true then people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs must be stupid. Theses two didn't get their baccalaureate yet they make more money than most people who do have their baccalaureate. In the fashion world you just have to be creative and know how to start trends or how to make them even better than they already are. They did not have to go to school to learn how to design great clothes or other things. All they need was there own mind and I great sense of designing. They did have to learn how to sew and how to make colors look good together. Or even how to sell and show off the clothes that they have design. Even people who want to do other careers, with in reason, can do it to. Now there are a lot of people who do have their baccalaureate and they can be really stupid. They sometime make descion based on the book when sometimes they should use common sense.

4. Look over one of your rebuttal areas. If you have one (and you should; “considering the opposition” or “other viewpoints” is on the rubric) look for a way to revise it to be more developed, if you don’t have one, make one now to add into your next draft. Review page 6 and the ways that you 1) acknowledge opposition to your argument, 2) but prove how the opposition is not strong enough to invalidate your argument.

a. I hadn’t gotten around to that yet in your first draft and make one up now to include in your next draft.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Claim- A Baccalaureate degree does not make some more intelligent than someone without one.
Reason- because there are many different meanings for the word intelligence. it can be anything from book smarts or street smart.
Warrant- book smart, common sense, street smart, and it can be in just one subject or maybe even two.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

WEEK 9: Adrienne Rich
Discussion questions for “Taking Women Students Seriously” by Adrienne Rich
(The Reader, pg. 273)
1) In the beginning of her essay, Rich states that her experience at an all girls’ school was that her teachers gave her great “content” (hard skills, actual booklearnin’) but that they didn’t teach the girls how to “survive as women in a world organized by and for men” (soft skills, in my opinion). Later in her essay, she hints at some ways that teachers can give women more soft skills in education. What are they? How crucial do you think they are? Are they still relevant to today’s students? (Her speech was given in ’78, remember).
2) Rich outlines the questions for teachers, and makes it clear that she feels issues of race and class are pretty much the same as issues of gender, with regard to discrimination in the university setting. Do you agree? What are some key similarities or differences that you feel are important? Does the university still have work to do in remedying this area

1) how can we teach women to move beyound the desire for male approval and getting "good grades" and seek and write their own truths that the culture has distorted or made taboo? is one of the things that she says teachers could do to help women. the things she saids is pretty crucial because back then men were still getting used to the ideal of women in the work place and sometimes even women didn't know how to handle it. so it will help alot. now in todays world maybe not too much because more women believe in women empowerment and stuff like that and they are also a lot more independent than they used to be.

2) yes i kinda agree because no matter where you go discrimination can be anything. in race and class sometimes if someone is black or asian they might not get a job if most of the worker are white or if what is sold there is mainly for white people like clothes. in gender is just the same if there mainly men working there a woman may not get there job. I don't think there is much differences between the two. I don't think unversity work like that as much as it used but there are cases where if a school as major rage of one race they will pay for students of a different race to go there.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On Self Respect

1) Well the effect its suppose to have is to make us think about how those things in the stories go with self-respect. If we have read those books and we know what she is talking about, it could work with what she is trying to do. But because some of us haven't it makes us lost and almost like we need to go a read that story to understand what it is she is talking about. Now some she gave a good detail to the explains she used.

2) I think people could agree with these statements if they knew what was going on or what that story was about. These are a little hard to catch at first so you either have to reread or look up what she was talking about. Now with the whole adultery one I thinks its a good one because its so complex of a topic. To me its really something wrong and people shouldn't do it. And people do they normally don't tell people that they did do it. I don't think its really self-respect because if your with someone why would you cheat on them. Because the only way to have self-respect is to also be able to respect others as well. Because with self-respect people will see that you are honest and trust-worthy that they will respect you.
Some examples of the statements she used:
  • the careless, suicidal Julian English in Appointment in Samarra
  • the careless, incurably dishonest Jordan Baker in The Great Gatsby

3) When your writing you have to practice and train yourself to do your work. You have to always practice and do your best in writing things. We have to be willing to let it grow and become as good as it can possible can be. Also writing is a habit to learn as well. we aren't born to writing we have to learn how to write and we have to practice it all the time.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Discussion #4

1) With the whole people bringing people down for many different reason is very touchy subject for me. I've gone my whole life pretty much with people telling me I can't do thing that I really liked because of my looks or talents. And it really does cause people to believe that they can only do what people tell them they can because they always have people tell them they can't. So they try to please everyone else but themselves. It is ,in a while, bulling because you are destorying someones self-esteem. But there are times when someone will over come and start making themselves happy beside other.

2) If teachers and students go every year with learning new thing or teaching new thing it will help them become better. In college it helps when teacher will tell us cool treats to help us in our classes. I think that once we've gotten to college we should be somewhat excited to go to school because we get to choose the school we want to go to.